Publikationen in nationalen und internationalen Journalen
- Monteiro I, Boksay I, Auer SR, Torossian C, Ferris S, Reisberg B. Addition of a frequency-weighted score to the Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease Rating Scale: the BEHAVE-AD-FW: methodology and reliability. Eur Psychiatry 2001; 16 Suppl 1:5s-24s (Impact Factor: 3.702).
- * Reisberg B, Franssen EH, Souren LEM, Auer SR, Akram I, Kenowsky S. Evidence and mechanisms of retrogenesis in Alzheimer’s and other dementias: Management and treatment import. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Vol 17, 4, 2002, 201-212 (Impact factor 1.518).
Google scholar citations: 224. This paper provides for the first time a comprehensive research framework for nonpharmacologic treatment for persons with dementia. - Auer SR, Reisberg B, Retrogenesis and communication with persons in the severe stages of dementia. Les Cahiers de la Fondation Médéric Alzheimer, Number 2, June 2006, pp 126-135.
- Auer SR, Donabauer Y, Zehetner F, Span E. Entlastung pflegender Angehöriger- ein Programm der M.A.S Alzheimerhilfe. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie & -psychiatrie, 20 (2/3), 2007 (Impact factor 0.736)
- Auer SR, Span E, Donabauer Y, Reitner M, Helm G. Demenzservicestellen der M.A.S Alzheimerhilfe Österreich. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie&-psychiatrie, 20(4), 2007, 257-263 (Impact factor 0.736).
- Anditsch M, Auer SR, Croy A, Dunzinger E, Fasching P, Fischer P, Gatterer G, Jagsch C, Jellinger K, Jungbauer K, Krüger E, Krüger-Rainer C, Mattersdorfer K, Psota G, Rainer M, Walter A, Wancata J, Winkler A, Wuschitz A. Experten Statement der Österreichischen Alzheimer Liga.CliniCum, Sonderausgabe November 2007.
- Auer SR, Strotzka S, Weber S, Donabauer Y, Psota G. Leistungstestung von Menschen mit Demenz. Psychopraxis, 2, 2008, 16-21.
- * Testad I, Auer SR, Mittelman M, Ballard C, Fossey J, Donabauer Y, Aarsland D. Nursing home structure and association with agitation and use of psychotropic drugs in nursing home residents in three countries: Norway, Austria and England. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2010, 7, 725-31 (Impact factor 2.977).
Google Scholar citations: 61. This paper is an international collaboration in nursing home research providing the first evidence for over-use of neuroleptic medication in persons with dementia.
- * Olazarán J, Reisberg B, Clare L, Cruz I, Peña-Casanova J, Del Ser T,, Woods B, Beck C, Auer S, Lai C, Spector A, Fazio S, Bond J, Kivipelto M, Brodaty H, Rojo HM, Collins H, Teri L, Mittelman M, Orrell M, Feldman HH, Muñiz R. Nonpharmacological Therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review of Efficacy. Dementia and Geriatr. Cog. Dis. 30, 2010, 161-178 (Impact factor 2.787).
Google scholar citations: 931. This paper became a „standard“ as it provided a first metaanalysis for onpharmacological studies in dementia research. - Schulz H, Auer S, Span E, Adler Ch, Donabauer Y, Weber S, Wimmer-Elias J, Meyer M. Das Ausbildungsmodell zum M.A.S Trainer: Eine Praxisevaluierung A.S Trainer, Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 2010. (Impact factor 0.736).
- Auer S, Gatterer G. Gerontopsychologie in Österreich. Geropsych, 25, 2012, 155-159. 10.1024/1662- 9647/a000065 (Impact factor 0.736).
- Auer S, Span E, Zehetner, F. Stadiengerechte psychosoziale Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz Das Behandlungskonzept der M.A.S Alzheimerhilfe für Betroffene und Angehörige. Psychopraxis, 2013
- Reisberg B, Monteiro, I, Torossian C, Auer S, Shulman M, Ghimire, S, Boksay I , BenArous, F, Osorio R, Vengassery, A, Imran S , Shaker H, Noor S, Naqvi S, Kenowsky S Xu J. The BEHAVE-AD Assessment System: A Perspective, A Commentary on New Findings, and A Historical Review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:89–146.
- * Auer S., Span E., Reisberg B., Dementia service centres in Austria: A comprehensive support and early detection model for persons with dementia and their caregivers-theoretical foundations and model description. Dementia, 2015, Vol. 14(4) 513–527.
Google scholar citations: 12. This paper describes the first evidence based nonpharmacological treatment model in Austria. - * Auer S, Gräßel E, Viereckl C, Kienberger U, Span E, Luttenberger K. Professional care team burden (PCTB) scale- reliability, validity and factor analysis. Biomedcentral open access 2015. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2015) 13:17. This scale has been translated into several languages and is currentl used in international research studies.
- *Sommer I, Griebler U, E-Mail U, Auer S, Klerings I, Hammers R, Holzer P, Gartlehner G. Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for dementia: a systematic review and meta-Analysis. BMC Geriatrics (2017) 17:16. . Google scholar citations: 47.
- Auer S, Kienberger U, Pascher P, Geck M, Hoffmann B, Viereckl C, Span. Wohngemeinschaft versus traditionelles Pflegeheim für Personen mit Demenz-Eine vergleichende Beobachtungsstudie. Pflegewissenschaft ¾-2017 | 19. Jahrgang | hpsmedia, Nidda.
- Auer S, Linsmayer E, Beránková A. Pascher P, Firlinger B, Prischl D.
DEMDATA: The Austrian-Czech institutional long term care project – design and protocol of a two-centre cross sectional study. BMC Health Services Research (2017) 17:296 https// - *Matyas N , Auer S, Gisinger Ch, Kil M, Keser Aschenberger F, Klerings I, Gartlehner G. Continuing education for the prevention of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s type dementia: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews (2017) 6:157 Google scholar citations: 12.
- * Auer SR, Höfler M, Linsmayer E, Berankova A, Prieschl D, Ratajcak P, Steffl M, Holmerova I. Cross-sectional study of prevalence of dementia, behavioural symptoms, mobility, pain and other health parameters in nursing homes in Austria and the Czech Republic: results from the DEMDATA project. BMC Geriatrics (2018)18:178;
Google scholar citations: 17. This paper provides the first representative estimation of the number of persons affected by dementia in Austrian and Czech nursing homes. - Holmerova, I.; Auer, S.R.; Beránková, A.; Höfler, M.; Ratajczak, P.; Šteffl, M. Cognitive status and use of analgesics and anxiolytics in residents of nursing homes in the Czech Republic. Clinical Interventions in Aging (2018) 13:2511-2515;
- *Reisberg, B, Torossian C, Shulman MB, Monteiro I, Boksay I, Golomb,J , Benarous,FG , Ulysse A, Oo T, Vedvyas A, Rao JA, Marsh K, Kluger, A Sangha J, Hassan M, Alshalabi M, Arain F, Kenowsky S, Rabin L, Noroozian M, Belén Sánchez-Saudinós M, Blesa R, Auer S, de Leon M, Sadowski M, Wisniewski T, Gauthier S, and Shao Y. Two Year Outcomes, Cognitive and Behavioral Markers of Decline in Healthy, Cognitively Normal Older Persons with Global Deterioration Scale Stage 2 (Subjective Cognitive Decline and Impairment). Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2019 2, 685-705,
- *Matyas N, Keser Aschenberger F, Wagner G, Teufer B, Auer S, Gisinger Ch, Kil M, Klerings I, Gartlehner G. Continuing education for the prevention of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’stype dementia: a systematic review and overview of systematic reviews. BMJ Open 2019;9:e027719. https// bmjopen-2018-027719.Google scholar citations:8.
- Höfler M, Ratajczak P, Beránková A, Prieschl D, Steffl M, Holmerova I, Auer S. Data of a sub-analysis of the DEMDATA study: characteristics of Austrian and Czech nursing homes residents. BMC Research Notes 2019, 12(1): 463.
- Mehrabian S, Schwarzkopf L, Auer S, Holmerova I, Kramberger M, Boban M , Stefanova E, Tudose C, Bachinskaya N, Kovács T, Koranda P, Kunchev T, Traykov L, Diehl-Schmid J, Milecka K, Kurz A. Dementia care in the Danube Region. A multi-national expert survey. Journal of Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2019: 15: 2503-2511.
Peer reviewed Book Chapters
- Auer SR, Span E, Zehetner F. Der Beginn einer demenziellen Erkrankung. Schöpfer G, Stessel G (Hrsg) Schriftenreihe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschafts-und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Graz, 2002. E-Mail: , ISBN 3-901674-11-X 2002.
- Reisberg B, Franssen E, Souren L, Kenowsky S, Jamil I, Anwar S, Auer SR. Alzheimer’s Disease. In: Flanagan , 25-63, 2010.
- Auer S, Ratajczak P, Span E, Höfler M. Timely diagnosis of dementia in rural areas in Austria: the Dementia Service Centre model. In: Rural Dementia Care. Innes A, Morgan D.(Eds) published in May 2020.
Consensus statement „Dementia 2010“ of the Austrian Alzheimer Society
Gesundheit Österreich GmbH 2014: Österreichischer Demenzbericht 20